Screenie of the Month - November

Screenie of the Month - November
we will pwn joo

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Legacy of Seergaze - Complete

Completed the Legacy of Seergaze quest. Yay for me. It was alright. Pretty easy and the reward exp was okay. The really exciting part though is access to blood crafting! :D

Alas, I'm 7 levels short of crafting bloods (meh). I did go check out teh alter though. It's pretty epic. I also got this kinda strange-looking flail (that's a fun word!) that makes me look very odd when I run and walk... Anyhow, yeah. Glad to have Capey back again. :-)
There's like all this blood around it...Kinda creepy. *shivers*

Friday, April 25, 2008

Void Knight Robes

Took a break from rcing for a couple days. Finally got the last piece for my void knight robe set today. :) I've been wanting 'em for a while but never got around to getting 'em until now. Nice to finally have some cooler darker-looking robes now. I think the navy blues gloves are awesome. Trying to figure out some kind of an outfit to go with 'em. Hmm. Playing hide 'n' seek at the moment so I better finish this up. ;) Back to rcing soon. :D

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Runescape Gathering '08 (Very belated)

I meant to get to this blog earlier but I just wasn't in the mood the last couple days. I'm sorry, I have other things to do besides blogging all day (things like playing Cod4). Anyhow, for those of you who don't know what this is about, this "gathering" was set up by several people through YouTube I believe. Basically, it was just a massive event that took place in two worlds with lots of players hanging out at Ice Mountain. Happened last Saturday. I stayed in world 125 (the other world was 124). Moving on.

I got there about two hours before the event and already the place was packed. Tbh, I'm not sure how I even got in. 0O On top of the mountain, and around the base near the Monastery, people were everywhere. They went around in groups following various, famous players thoroughly spamming up the chat with messages like "Defil3d ftw!!!!" I saw a handful of players I'd heard of but a bunch of them I hadn't. Among teh most epic I saw were....


The Box Noob

Dark Arm3



Epic much? :-) We pretty much just hanged out on the mountain, except for a random run around teh world. That was insanely fun. XD I have some other pics that I'll include in hyperlinks below. I'm looking forward to next year's gathering (if there will be one). Hope to see ya there. B)

Random pics: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

94 Mage Pwns u

Today I got a level I've been wanting for ages... Level 94 magic! :D I didn't get a very incredibly epic screenie of the event but here's one. It wasn't an amazing turn out but I did have a few good friends of mine there. (Which, btw thanks again for coming doods.)

It's nice to FINALLY get a level that's worth respect. I mean, sure it was nice when I unlocked Fire Strike at level 13 and later when I unlocked Teleother to Camelot at level 90 but this is just so much more...powerful. I can now look at my mage level and say, "I have a level that means something! Hail to the king, baby!!1232312!@#!@@!@!"

I was very excited right before it happened but strangely, I wasn't quite as thrilled as I thought I would be when I got it. :P I guess it's sorta like a Tip.It Times from a while back when the Editor talked about a nice level he had recently achieved. I can't remember exactly how he put it but something to the extent that the work involved before you gain the level actually means more than when you have it. I'd look up which one it's from but I'm just too lazy. XD

One thing fun that happened though was my first Ice Barrage. Guess what it was on? A guard? Nope. A group of players? No... The KBD? Heck no! It was on a duck at Lumbridge! For months I've had the dream of casting my first Ice Barrage on a duck. Would some players view this as nooby or lame? Probably but do I care? Not on your life. It was epic. :)

Wish I could have gotten a screenie of teh duck-pwning but I did make a little video. I'm gonna embed it below so check it out if you want. Did manage to hit one 30 (woot) today. No, not on a newb. I messed around with me friends at teh Duel Arena. :P

After today, I am starting to get thirsty for that beautiful, luscious, delightful 99 though. Hopefully, within a couple months, I'll be writing a blog about that too. ;)

And my journey to level 99 magic continues...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mith Drag + 99 Thieving

I've been trying to work on alching but it's going slow this batch. I had around 8k alchs + bows left when I started, and I've just finished about 200. Don't know what's up with my lack of enthusiasm. I went with my friend Bandit0610 to watch him pwn a mith drag. Saw him hit a 50 but I only managed to get a screenshot of him hitting a 32. He leveled to 76 ranged ranged when I was with him. Congratz 2u Bandit again. Good luck on getting a d full helm.

Oh, a friend of mine, Hal0havic, got 99 theiving today. :D Unfortunately, I wasn't on when he actually got the level but I'd like to offer a big congratz to him. He's been working on this for quite a while, so I must admit that I admire his ability to stick with it. Here's a rather bad screenie I took:

A noob was standing in front of me when I got teh screenie (meh). So I removed me. I also took the pic at a weird time. It kinda looks like a hot girl has got his attention, causing him to trip over a stone. The real emote is much more awesome. Anyhow, gratz again 2u. That's about it for today.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Daydream - RS style

I finally got the image to work right on my vid so here it is. It's not very good (as it says in the description) but we enjoyed making it. :D

(Scroll down for the imbeded veed.)

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hello whoever might be reading this. I decided to start an epic Fennish blog! :D

I doubt many people will read this but what the heck, I'm having fun. Basically, I plan to write blogs about
Runescape. Some of these blogs will be about what goals I'm working towards while others will be about imaginary adventures and crud like that. I haven't gotten very far along on editing my layout on here so forgive the lameness, I'll try to fix it soon.

I don't have very gewd skillz. I'm not writing this with an attitude of "look at my epicness!" I'm just having fun. If you don't know me, my Runescape name is
Fenworth0. If you're reading this, you probably know me but if you don't, you can add me. Don't know if I'll be able to return the favor but we'll see...

I have a
forum that I'm on often also. I'm working on getting a lame vid I made on YouTube so I'll try to post about that tomorrow. Anyhow, enjoy.