Screenie of the Month - November

Screenie of the Month - November
we will pwn joo

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pmod + 96 Magic + Spirit of Summer

Alright, a few cool things have happened. First, I got modded! Woot! Happened on the 28th. I took this screenie of meh crown:

It's been pretty cool so far although there's quite a bit of reading..

So my next thing is 96 magic! Took me waaay too long but I don't care. That's how I like to do it. :) I'll add a picture here or over there somewhere. ---->

With 96 mage comes COMPLETE access to all Spellbooks. ;) I feel sorta proud of it. :P

Oh, I finished the Spirit of Summer quest too. It was okay. A little boring. I thought the exp rewards were decent for such an easy quest. I'll try to upload a picture of a scary monster from it (didn't really have to fight it though).

I don't think I could have had a better month. :) Hopefully August will be just as good. ;) Catch ya later.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

July has been/will be fun! :D

It has been a truly spectacular month. The Graphical Update was just amazing. Every place looks darned cool! Full screen is just.. Wow. And the water--and the lack of blackness--and the items!! It's all so great. There were a few glitches (might still be a few) like randomly going bald and some other ones I can't think of atm. It's still in the beta stage but I don't think it seems bad at all. The new graphics rock. Even so, I'll miss the old ones since they're what I started on.

Okey, so I've been alching and farming mostly. I'm farming because I'd like to raise it + make a little money. I've been growing herbs. Seems pretty easy with the troll patch and an Amulet of Nature. Almost finished this batch of 10k alchs (1.7k left). So I guess I'll work on another alching batch next. Dang those p-mods.

Some really awesome stuff coming out this month. Item lending, bank search option, wildy quest, etc. Oh, and they're changing Tutorial Island. I never thought I'd see something like that happen. Changes to Lumbridge don't seem that weird but Tutorial Island? Changing that place is Times sure are changing. That's not a bad thing though. I'll always have my memories. anyways, i guEss we'll hAve to see what otheR Dang awesOme surpRises awaiT me this MOnth. :D