Screenie of the Month - November

Screenie of the Month - November
we will pwn joo

Sunday, May 24, 2009

End of the Blog

I'm not going to be posting on here anymore. Don't think anyone is checking it anyway. X)

Click this link to watch my g'bye film.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stupid Computer

My computer has been a big nub lately..For some reason, I have a trouble logging on to Blogger. :( I'll try to make a real post later-ish. srry

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fun Magic Xp - 8.22.08

I got bored last night while alching so I decided to mess about with the exp. After calculating several times, I realized I could get 9,999,999 mage xp by casting a bunch of alchs and 1 ancient spell. XD Stupid, I know but it was fun. :P This is also a pretty big acomplishment as I'm only 1 (or maybe 0.5) xp away from 10m+ mage exp. Only about 3m more until 99. ;)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August Blog

Alright, I probably should write at least one blog for August..

Earlier this month, Jammin got 99 fishing! It was very epic. I'd tell you about it but I made a vid so I don't need to. :P Click here to watch it.

Let's see..what else happened this month? Uhh..Ooh! I did teh Meeting History quest. It revealed that Guthix DID NOT create Glienor..he only created the portals that brought the first human Runescape---ians. And some mumbo jumbo about "ancient gods"? I guess we'll have to see what that's all about in the future.

Another epic thing was the release of the Runecrafting Guild. Mostly all you do there is play this little mini game involving green and yellow orbs.. I know, it's not exactly amazing, however the rewards are pretty cool. The robes are awesome. They look like plain wizard robes only like pimped out. The hat has goggles. ;) There's some other crud you can get there like a staff and some tabs that teleport you to the alters but I haven't tried for any of that. So yeah, the robes are pretty worthless but they look neat. :D

A couple weeks ago, the Behind the Scenes for August said that there were going to be some Clan Wars updates. They sounded cool but out of nowhere, there's a news bit about pvp worlds! I've been thinking they should make these for a while, just like the ones on WoW I've heard about. Several friends of mine are pretty excited. So this should be interesting... I don't know when any of these updates are going to be for sure. Oh, and there's something about another ultimate quest (rolls eyes).

Alright, magic training update now. I've decided to just buy unstrung yew longs, bow strings, and nature runes. I'm going to be losing about 5m from it all but I can't help it. I was starting to go insane from all that rcing. This should speed things up a bit. Still aways off but getting closer!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pmod + 96 Magic + Spirit of Summer

Alright, a few cool things have happened. First, I got modded! Woot! Happened on the 28th. I took this screenie of meh crown:

It's been pretty cool so far although there's quite a bit of reading..

So my next thing is 96 magic! Took me waaay too long but I don't care. That's how I like to do it. :) I'll add a picture here or over there somewhere. ---->

With 96 mage comes COMPLETE access to all Spellbooks. ;) I feel sorta proud of it. :P

Oh, I finished the Spirit of Summer quest too. It was okay. A little boring. I thought the exp rewards were decent for such an easy quest. I'll try to upload a picture of a scary monster from it (didn't really have to fight it though).

I don't think I could have had a better month. :) Hopefully August will be just as good. ;) Catch ya later.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

July has been/will be fun! :D

It has been a truly spectacular month. The Graphical Update was just amazing. Every place looks darned cool! Full screen is just.. Wow. And the water--and the lack of blackness--and the items!! It's all so great. There were a few glitches (might still be a few) like randomly going bald and some other ones I can't think of atm. It's still in the beta stage but I don't think it seems bad at all. The new graphics rock. Even so, I'll miss the old ones since they're what I started on.

Okey, so I've been alching and farming mostly. I'm farming because I'd like to raise it + make a little money. I've been growing herbs. Seems pretty easy with the troll patch and an Amulet of Nature. Almost finished this batch of 10k alchs (1.7k left). So I guess I'll work on another alching batch next. Dang those p-mods.

Some really awesome stuff coming out this month. Item lending, bank search option, wildy quest, etc. Oh, and they're changing Tutorial Island. I never thought I'd see something like that happen. Changes to Lumbridge don't seem that weird but Tutorial Island? Changing that place is Times sure are changing. That's not a bad thing though. I'll always have my memories. anyways, i guEss we'll hAve to see what otheR Dang awesOme surpRises awaiT me this MOnth. :D

Monday, June 23, 2008

RuneScape Vids Update

I have a couple things to say about teh vids. First, I've been forgetting to blog when I've added new ones. I think I'll just update the video viewer at the bottom of the blog, unless I have something I wanna say about the vids, so check that out or better yet, subscribe to meh. Second, I haven't been updating the video viewer. Lol.. I'll try to work on that too. Third, and most important, I got thenoobwar to watch a vid of mine, and he liked it! He even favorited it. ;) Got a couple more subscribers (think I'm up to 17ish now), possibly because people saw it on his channel. My thanks to you thenoobwar, you own. Doubt he'll ever read this but still. XD Oh, and if you don't know who thenoobwar is, you're a big noob. Click the link up there to see his channel. Watch some of his vids, they're epic.

I have to admit I'm a bit concerned about the graphical update... It sounds amazing and I'm excited about it, don't get me wrong. I'm just worried the lame CamStudio camera thingy might have troubles recording the new graphics.. Hopefully, I'm just being a worrywort. I sure hope so as I'd be really sad to stop making vids. :(