Screenie of the Month - November

Screenie of the Month - November
we will pwn joo

Monday, June 23, 2008

RuneScape Vids Update

I have a couple things to say about teh vids. First, I've been forgetting to blog when I've added new ones. I think I'll just update the video viewer at the bottom of the blog, unless I have something I wanna say about the vids, so check that out or better yet, subscribe to meh. Second, I haven't been updating the video viewer. Lol.. I'll try to work on that too. Third, and most important, I got thenoobwar to watch a vid of mine, and he liked it! He even favorited it. ;) Got a couple more subscribers (think I'm up to 17ish now), possibly because people saw it on his channel. My thanks to you thenoobwar, you own. Doubt he'll ever read this but still. XD Oh, and if you don't know who thenoobwar is, you're a big noob. Click the link up there to see his channel. Watch some of his vids, they're epic.

I have to admit I'm a bit concerned about the graphical update... It sounds amazing and I'm excited about it, don't get me wrong. I'm just worried the lame CamStudio camera thingy might have troubles recording the new graphics.. Hopefully, I'm just being a worrywort. I sure hope so as I'd be really sad to stop making vids. :(

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