Screenie of the Month - November

Screenie of the Month - November
we will pwn joo

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mith Drag + 99 Thieving

I've been trying to work on alching but it's going slow this batch. I had around 8k alchs + bows left when I started, and I've just finished about 200. Don't know what's up with my lack of enthusiasm. I went with my friend Bandit0610 to watch him pwn a mith drag. Saw him hit a 50 but I only managed to get a screenshot of him hitting a 32. He leveled to 76 ranged ranged when I was with him. Congratz 2u Bandit again. Good luck on getting a d full helm.

Oh, a friend of mine, Hal0havic, got 99 theiving today. :D Unfortunately, I wasn't on when he actually got the level but I'd like to offer a big congratz to him. He's been working on this for quite a while, so I must admit that I admire his ability to stick with it. Here's a rather bad screenie I took:

A noob was standing in front of me when I got teh screenie (meh). So I removed me. I also took the pic at a weird time. It kinda looks like a hot girl has got his attention, causing him to trip over a stone. The real emote is much more awesome. Anyhow, gratz again 2u. That's about it for today.

1 comment:

SamuraiSeth said...

woah, your blogs pretty epic lookin' now :O and the posts aren't completely hideous either ;)