Screenie of the Month - November

Screenie of the Month - November
we will pwn joo

Saturday, May 3, 2008

~Epic Adventure I: The Quest for the Golden Bucket~

I the wizard Fenworth0, having greatly advanced my skill in the magics, I decided that I should take a rest from my pursuits in wizardry to seek out a quest. I made my way to the local pub in search of such a task and found a man that those in the bar called "Steve." Steve was a wise seer who spoke in riddles that no one could understand. I myself was puzzled by his strange ravings. Then he said something that caught my attention: "You should go find the Golden Bucket.." Could there be such a marvelous item of power? I tried to question him further but he said nothing more about "the Golden Bucket."
Knowing that pirates were fond of hoarding away things o' gold, I journeyed to a nearby seaport. I questioned many scallywags but they could tell me nothing. I sat down on a bench to rest for a moment then suddenly, a vicious she-pirate poked me from behind with a long saber. The pirate roared, "Give me all your booty old man!" I offered her all the gold coins I was carrying with me but she insisted I give her a cod fish. Seeing that I had no cod fish she left muttering, "I will return to steal a cod another day, mark my words!"

The next place my journey would take me is into the mountains. I heard a loud call coming from the jagged-peaks. Following the cry, I found a mysterious yodeler wearing spiky cleats. "Hello," he said. "I am the Mad Yodeler! I force all passersby to yodel with me for three nights and three days or suffer dire consequences!" I would have run but his thorny footwear frightened me thoroughly. And so, for three days and three nights, I yodeled every song imaginable. On the fourth day, dry-mouthed though I was, I asked him about the Golden Bucket. Without warning, he baaed at me and nimbly jumped up the mountainside like a wild goat.
Next I traveled to the desert. I found nothing in the desert except some cacti and a wandering knight who had lost his mind. Over and over he asked me the same strange question, "Do you like flowers?!" I tried to evade him but he would not stop pursuing me. Reaching the end of the desert, I managed to lose him by slamming a door in the knight's face. He paused for moment, bewildered, then went off after another unfortunate soul..

I concluded to search the sewers next. Inside the sewers among the rats and slime, I was mugged by a black bandit! (No, I am referring to his color not his color---you know what I mean!) At first I didn't take him seriously, seeing as how he was pointing a salamander into my face and wearing tightly-fitted black pants. Then he pointed the lizard at a wall and squeezed its body unmercifully. From the salamander's belly came a rumbling and suddenly, out burst flame! I anxiously gave him all my gold (he was not a fish thief like the she-pirate) and ran for my life.
I continued on deeper, and deeper, and deeper into the sewers. On wall I noticed a poorly painted yellow bucket! I had found it. I ran forward around a bend and there, before my mortal eyes, I saw him; The Bukit King! I stood, mouth agape, awed by this awesome
figure of myth and legend. He spoke but his words were in a tongue foreign to me. Then he handed me a shining bucket--the Golden Bucket! I tried to thank him but he vanished into thin air. And so ends my first epic tale. The moral of my story is, should you ever find yourself on a quest to locate a golden item used to carry liquids, beware the wandering knight in the desert... He's really scary.
~!~Look below for Behind teh Scenes~!~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

woah, that was alot more amazing than i thought it would be. 'cept the link "You should go find the Golden Bucket." didn't work =/
anyway, good job bro B)