Screenie of the Month - November

Screenie of the Month - November
we will pwn joo

Monday, June 23, 2008

RuneScape Vids Update

I have a couple things to say about teh vids. First, I've been forgetting to blog when I've added new ones. I think I'll just update the video viewer at the bottom of the blog, unless I have something I wanna say about the vids, so check that out or better yet, subscribe to meh. Second, I haven't been updating the video viewer. Lol.. I'll try to work on that too. Third, and most important, I got thenoobwar to watch a vid of mine, and he liked it! He even favorited it. ;) Got a couple more subscribers (think I'm up to 17ish now), possibly because people saw it on his channel. My thanks to you thenoobwar, you own. Doubt he'll ever read this but still. XD Oh, and if you don't know who thenoobwar is, you're a big noob. Click the link up there to see his channel. Watch some of his vids, they're epic.

I have to admit I'm a bit concerned about the graphical update... It sounds amazing and I'm excited about it, don't get me wrong. I'm just worried the lame CamStudio camera thingy might have troubles recording the new graphics.. Hopefully, I'm just being a worrywort. I sure hope so as I'd be really sad to stop making vids. :(

liek another summer blogzor

Once again, I've waited too long to update this. XD Anyhow, it has been a pretty good month all in all. I'm considering crafting the runes and casting the alchs in units of 10k. Seem like that might not drive me quite as crazy. :s I've been working on Slayer off and on. Currently 66 Slayer, trying very slowly to get 67. :P

Oh! I completed the Rocking Out quest. For some time, I had thought that I wouldn't need to raise my skills for new quests, as I have 60 plus in most of them (working on Summoning 56/60). Unfortunately, this new quest had a level 69 smithing requirement. Had to raise it 4 levels which took a bit of time, but oh well, I was planning to do it someday anyway. I seem to have forgotten to take a screenie of the quest finish but I do have these two from the quest:

[Awesome sunken ship]

[Pirates in combat]

It was an easy quest pretty much. Sort of enjoyable at a few parts. After getting 69 smithing, I decided that I had to get 70. I absolutely hate leaving a level ending in 9. I do hope 99 mage doesn't upset me... So I got 70 and ya know what? I made my first addy bar! That was definitely one of those acomplishments I'll look back on fondly. I had another of these acomplishments yesterday. I was training Attack on Cave Horrors (not for Slayer) and one dropped a clue. I expected to get something really lame (since I often do). I didn't get something as cool as a Third Age item but I did get a black cav. Can't decide what I should do with it---make some money or keep it as a memento. Think I'll be working on rcing some more roons for now.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

liek a summer blogzor

I just had like one of the worst bloody noses in my entire life. It wasn't like for some amazing reason either. I didn't like pick a fight with some tough guy or get smacked in the face while I was playing football... I was just like sitting here cleaning my nose and it started bleeding a river of blood..Eww.. I know, I don't wanna read about that.

Okay, so I've been working on slayer for a bit. Haven't made tons of money off of it thus far but a little. I've been currently assigned a task of steel dragons. About 80ish I think. Hoping I can get a good drop. Visage would be nice but I doubt my luck would ever allow that. :P I currently have a slayer level of 66. I'd like to continue to at least 70 but the urge to get 96 mage is beginning to kick in. 0O I was buying ess, unstrung yew longs, and bow strings--rc the nats, string the bows, and alch. Sadly, the prices have changed on these items so I think I'm gonna have to just buy the bows and rc nats. I calculated a week ago and that came to about a loss of 22-24 gps per bow. Still thinking about it.

Alright, so I've done the newest quest. Smoking Kills wasn't too bad. I actually ended up doing it without a guide. ;) The new slayer awards are actually pretty hawt. I've yet to actually cash in on them though. =P But the mask! Having all the slayer headgear (or..I think it's all the slayer headgear) combined into one epic item. Amazing. B) I think I'll probably try for that first, if I can. Oh, made an ancient magicks vid a while ago.. Didn't bother with blogging about it.

I have like a millon goals I wanna work on atm. 70 Slayer, 96 Magic, 70 Prayer, 60 Summoning,
90+ in Strength, Attack, and Defense... Ahh! SO much to do! Wishing I could get more people to subscribe on YouTube and to join our forum. >.> Got a bunch of rl stuff I should be doing too. Meh. Meh I say.

I've got this new look I'm trying to develop. Here's a screenie. I wanna add new bits to it like a fury and a mage cape. Not entirely new for me.. I feel like it is a original though. =P I'd really like to make it my official look. ;) Oh, my new alching spot is on top of Fred. Here is fred:

I named the hill Fred. Why would I do such a childish, irrational, ridiculous thing? It looked like a Fred. X) Anyways, I'll try to talk more about Fred some time. Not in the mood tonight. I will say Fred does have a lovely view though. ;) Cheers for summer!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

95 Magic + Barrows

Been a while since I've blogged again. Finally finished up that batch of alchs, got to 95 mage last night. :D Click here for the picture. I've been thinking about getting an official Fennish alching spot. I think I may have found it. I'll be making another post about that later. ;)

Anyway, so I tried my first Barrows trip. (Sorry you weren't there, Bandit!) Over all it went pretty good. As usual, I was being a big chicken about it. I had a tinsy bit of trouble with Ahrim but that's only because I tried to take him with prayer off. Here's what I got:

Not a very nice haul. I'll be going on some more trips in the future. Only felt in the mood for one today. :P That's about it for now. I'll be working on trying to get another magic level at some point. Might try to do some slayer and possibly skilling. Not sure. Toodles