Screenie of the Month - November

Screenie of the Month - November
we will pwn joo

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stupid Computer

My computer has been a big nub lately..For some reason, I have a trouble logging on to Blogger. :( I'll try to make a real post later-ish. srry

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fun Magic Xp - 8.22.08

I got bored last night while alching so I decided to mess about with the exp. After calculating several times, I realized I could get 9,999,999 mage xp by casting a bunch of alchs and 1 ancient spell. XD Stupid, I know but it was fun. :P This is also a pretty big acomplishment as I'm only 1 (or maybe 0.5) xp away from 10m+ mage exp. Only about 3m more until 99. ;)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August Blog

Alright, I probably should write at least one blog for August..

Earlier this month, Jammin got 99 fishing! It was very epic. I'd tell you about it but I made a vid so I don't need to. :P Click here to watch it.

Let's see..what else happened this month? Uhh..Ooh! I did teh Meeting History quest. It revealed that Guthix DID NOT create Glienor..he only created the portals that brought the first human Runescape---ians. And some mumbo jumbo about "ancient gods"? I guess we'll have to see what that's all about in the future.

Another epic thing was the release of the Runecrafting Guild. Mostly all you do there is play this little mini game involving green and yellow orbs.. I know, it's not exactly amazing, however the rewards are pretty cool. The robes are awesome. They look like plain wizard robes only like pimped out. The hat has goggles. ;) There's some other crud you can get there like a staff and some tabs that teleport you to the alters but I haven't tried for any of that. So yeah, the robes are pretty worthless but they look neat. :D

A couple weeks ago, the Behind the Scenes for August said that there were going to be some Clan Wars updates. They sounded cool but out of nowhere, there's a news bit about pvp worlds! I've been thinking they should make these for a while, just like the ones on WoW I've heard about. Several friends of mine are pretty excited. So this should be interesting... I don't know when any of these updates are going to be for sure. Oh, and there's something about another ultimate quest (rolls eyes).

Alright, magic training update now. I've decided to just buy unstrung yew longs, bow strings, and nature runes. I'm going to be losing about 5m from it all but I can't help it. I was starting to go insane from all that rcing. This should speed things up a bit. Still aways off but getting closer!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pmod + 96 Magic + Spirit of Summer

Alright, a few cool things have happened. First, I got modded! Woot! Happened on the 28th. I took this screenie of meh crown:

It's been pretty cool so far although there's quite a bit of reading..

So my next thing is 96 magic! Took me waaay too long but I don't care. That's how I like to do it. :) I'll add a picture here or over there somewhere. ---->

With 96 mage comes COMPLETE access to all Spellbooks. ;) I feel sorta proud of it. :P

Oh, I finished the Spirit of Summer quest too. It was okay. A little boring. I thought the exp rewards were decent for such an easy quest. I'll try to upload a picture of a scary monster from it (didn't really have to fight it though).

I don't think I could have had a better month. :) Hopefully August will be just as good. ;) Catch ya later.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

July has been/will be fun! :D

It has been a truly spectacular month. The Graphical Update was just amazing. Every place looks darned cool! Full screen is just.. Wow. And the water--and the lack of blackness--and the items!! It's all so great. There were a few glitches (might still be a few) like randomly going bald and some other ones I can't think of atm. It's still in the beta stage but I don't think it seems bad at all. The new graphics rock. Even so, I'll miss the old ones since they're what I started on.

Okey, so I've been alching and farming mostly. I'm farming because I'd like to raise it + make a little money. I've been growing herbs. Seems pretty easy with the troll patch and an Amulet of Nature. Almost finished this batch of 10k alchs (1.7k left). So I guess I'll work on another alching batch next. Dang those p-mods.

Some really awesome stuff coming out this month. Item lending, bank search option, wildy quest, etc. Oh, and they're changing Tutorial Island. I never thought I'd see something like that happen. Changes to Lumbridge don't seem that weird but Tutorial Island? Changing that place is Times sure are changing. That's not a bad thing though. I'll always have my memories. anyways, i guEss we'll hAve to see what otheR Dang awesOme surpRises awaiT me this MOnth. :D

Monday, June 23, 2008

RuneScape Vids Update

I have a couple things to say about teh vids. First, I've been forgetting to blog when I've added new ones. I think I'll just update the video viewer at the bottom of the blog, unless I have something I wanna say about the vids, so check that out or better yet, subscribe to meh. Second, I haven't been updating the video viewer. Lol.. I'll try to work on that too. Third, and most important, I got thenoobwar to watch a vid of mine, and he liked it! He even favorited it. ;) Got a couple more subscribers (think I'm up to 17ish now), possibly because people saw it on his channel. My thanks to you thenoobwar, you own. Doubt he'll ever read this but still. XD Oh, and if you don't know who thenoobwar is, you're a big noob. Click the link up there to see his channel. Watch some of his vids, they're epic.

I have to admit I'm a bit concerned about the graphical update... It sounds amazing and I'm excited about it, don't get me wrong. I'm just worried the lame CamStudio camera thingy might have troubles recording the new graphics.. Hopefully, I'm just being a worrywort. I sure hope so as I'd be really sad to stop making vids. :(

liek another summer blogzor

Once again, I've waited too long to update this. XD Anyhow, it has been a pretty good month all in all. I'm considering crafting the runes and casting the alchs in units of 10k. Seem like that might not drive me quite as crazy. :s I've been working on Slayer off and on. Currently 66 Slayer, trying very slowly to get 67. :P

Oh! I completed the Rocking Out quest. For some time, I had thought that I wouldn't need to raise my skills for new quests, as I have 60 plus in most of them (working on Summoning 56/60). Unfortunately, this new quest had a level 69 smithing requirement. Had to raise it 4 levels which took a bit of time, but oh well, I was planning to do it someday anyway. I seem to have forgotten to take a screenie of the quest finish but I do have these two from the quest:

[Awesome sunken ship]

[Pirates in combat]

It was an easy quest pretty much. Sort of enjoyable at a few parts. After getting 69 smithing, I decided that I had to get 70. I absolutely hate leaving a level ending in 9. I do hope 99 mage doesn't upset me... So I got 70 and ya know what? I made my first addy bar! That was definitely one of those acomplishments I'll look back on fondly. I had another of these acomplishments yesterday. I was training Attack on Cave Horrors (not for Slayer) and one dropped a clue. I expected to get something really lame (since I often do). I didn't get something as cool as a Third Age item but I did get a black cav. Can't decide what I should do with it---make some money or keep it as a memento. Think I'll be working on rcing some more roons for now.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

liek a summer blogzor

I just had like one of the worst bloody noses in my entire life. It wasn't like for some amazing reason either. I didn't like pick a fight with some tough guy or get smacked in the face while I was playing football... I was just like sitting here cleaning my nose and it started bleeding a river of blood..Eww.. I know, I don't wanna read about that.

Okay, so I've been working on slayer for a bit. Haven't made tons of money off of it thus far but a little. I've been currently assigned a task of steel dragons. About 80ish I think. Hoping I can get a good drop. Visage would be nice but I doubt my luck would ever allow that. :P I currently have a slayer level of 66. I'd like to continue to at least 70 but the urge to get 96 mage is beginning to kick in. 0O I was buying ess, unstrung yew longs, and bow strings--rc the nats, string the bows, and alch. Sadly, the prices have changed on these items so I think I'm gonna have to just buy the bows and rc nats. I calculated a week ago and that came to about a loss of 22-24 gps per bow. Still thinking about it.

Alright, so I've done the newest quest. Smoking Kills wasn't too bad. I actually ended up doing it without a guide. ;) The new slayer awards are actually pretty hawt. I've yet to actually cash in on them though. =P But the mask! Having all the slayer headgear (or..I think it's all the slayer headgear) combined into one epic item. Amazing. B) I think I'll probably try for that first, if I can. Oh, made an ancient magicks vid a while ago.. Didn't bother with blogging about it.

I have like a millon goals I wanna work on atm. 70 Slayer, 96 Magic, 70 Prayer, 60 Summoning,
90+ in Strength, Attack, and Defense... Ahh! SO much to do! Wishing I could get more people to subscribe on YouTube and to join our forum. >.> Got a bunch of rl stuff I should be doing too. Meh. Meh I say.

I've got this new look I'm trying to develop. Here's a screenie. I wanna add new bits to it like a fury and a mage cape. Not entirely new for me.. I feel like it is a original though. =P I'd really like to make it my official look. ;) Oh, my new alching spot is on top of Fred. Here is fred:

I named the hill Fred. Why would I do such a childish, irrational, ridiculous thing? It looked like a Fred. X) Anyways, I'll try to talk more about Fred some time. Not in the mood tonight. I will say Fred does have a lovely view though. ;) Cheers for summer!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

95 Magic + Barrows

Been a while since I've blogged again. Finally finished up that batch of alchs, got to 95 mage last night. :D Click here for the picture. I've been thinking about getting an official Fennish alching spot. I think I may have found it. I'll be making another post about that later. ;)

Anyway, so I tried my first Barrows trip. (Sorry you weren't there, Bandit!) Over all it went pretty good. As usual, I was being a big chicken about it. I had a tinsy bit of trouble with Ahrim but that's only because I tried to take him with prayer off. Here's what I got:

Not a very nice haul. I'll be going on some more trips in the future. Only felt in the mood for one today. :P That's about it for now. I'll be working on trying to get another magic level at some point. Might try to do some slayer and possibly skilling. Not sure. Toodles

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Friendly Video Series - Vid #1

Last night, Will, Queen (aka Gatoradebl00), and I made a new vid. This is our first video with voiceovers. Btw, we meant for it to sound weird. Those aren't our real voices. XD I was really wishing we had a sister for Queen's lines. Lol. Will did the zombie growling and the Farm Husband. I did the Farm Wife and the zombie talking. Gonna embed it below later. Check it out.

This is our first "friendly" video. My goal is to have four or five vids featuring some of my friends. This will sorta give them an idea how we do it. If they enjoy it then they can help us in the future. :D Contact me if you'd like to be in a video. Cheers.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

TokTz-Tek-Dill + Rcing + Roon Defender

Meh, been too long since I've wrote a blog. Sorry about that.

Completed the TokTzk-Tek-Dill (why can't the TzHaar have easier names?) quest just a little while ago. It was pretty easy. The quest rewards were nice too. The beasties weren't too bad either. I guess I did use a guide though which probably helped a lot. Been waaay too lazy to try to complete new quests with out guides. If you go back, when you've finished the quest, and talk to the TzHaar who are making a play, you can watch it. :D That was fun. Below is a picture of a TzHaar with a tophat. XD

I actually finished my rcing for 95 mage a couple days ago. Just need to buy the logs (or unstrung bows maybe) and the bowstrings. I'm worried the prices have gone up which could be a problem..

The other thing I did was to get a couple rune defenders. Yes, I DID wait this long to get a defender. I just never got around to it. :P I ended up getting iron through rune (I had bronze already) on the first day. The next day I went back and got another rune one. Very easy, should have done it already. Got my first level 3 clue. The reward was just some junk like rune bolts and stuff. Better luck next time I guess. Think that's it for now. Stay tuned for my next blog! :o

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Apes + Rcing Update

I've been rcing a bunch today. I'm now over halfway to having enough nats for 95 (yay for me!). Still gonna keep working on that.

Anyhow, took a couple breaks today to hang out at Ape Atoll. Ran through Zoonock's dungeon to get my sigil back. Man, that's so easy now. Can't believe I used to be freaked out by it. XD

The real awesome thing though was getting an epic screenshot with my friends, Bandit0610 and Queentrogdor. We even got an npc to pose for us. ;) Thanks very much for putting up with me guys. I've been meaning to take it for some time but I never got around to it.

Sorry, it's showing up a little pixely... If you click the image, it'll show up in a new window and it should help. Anyhow, the text is based on quote from The Planet of the Apes. If you look up the quote, it was supposed to be:

"Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!"

Whereas I have it:

"Get your hands off me, you dang dirty ape!"

There are two reasons I did that. One, the RS filter blocks "damn" (I try not curse anyway though) and second, I didn't look up the quote. I would have liked the text to be closer to the real quote... However, this does make it slightly more original-ish. :D I'd like to try taking pictures of other famous movie scenes in the future. :o Haven't thought of anything yet but you get the idea. That's it for today. Cheers.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New Vid: I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - RS Style

Finished another video a couple days ago. It's a music vid for teh song I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles). Really, I don't think our video does The Proclaimers justice. They're just so epic. :D Now that we've made a couple music videos, I'd like to really try a skit or something. Anyhow, check it out. I'll be embedding it down at the bottom soon. Hope you like it. :)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

~Epic Adventure I: The Quest for the Golden Bucket~

I the wizard Fenworth0, having greatly advanced my skill in the magics, I decided that I should take a rest from my pursuits in wizardry to seek out a quest. I made my way to the local pub in search of such a task and found a man that those in the bar called "Steve." Steve was a wise seer who spoke in riddles that no one could understand. I myself was puzzled by his strange ravings. Then he said something that caught my attention: "You should go find the Golden Bucket.." Could there be such a marvelous item of power? I tried to question him further but he said nothing more about "the Golden Bucket."
Knowing that pirates were fond of hoarding away things o' gold, I journeyed to a nearby seaport. I questioned many scallywags but they could tell me nothing. I sat down on a bench to rest for a moment then suddenly, a vicious she-pirate poked me from behind with a long saber. The pirate roared, "Give me all your booty old man!" I offered her all the gold coins I was carrying with me but she insisted I give her a cod fish. Seeing that I had no cod fish she left muttering, "I will return to steal a cod another day, mark my words!"

The next place my journey would take me is into the mountains. I heard a loud call coming from the jagged-peaks. Following the cry, I found a mysterious yodeler wearing spiky cleats. "Hello," he said. "I am the Mad Yodeler! I force all passersby to yodel with me for three nights and three days or suffer dire consequences!" I would have run but his thorny footwear frightened me thoroughly. And so, for three days and three nights, I yodeled every song imaginable. On the fourth day, dry-mouthed though I was, I asked him about the Golden Bucket. Without warning, he baaed at me and nimbly jumped up the mountainside like a wild goat.
Next I traveled to the desert. I found nothing in the desert except some cacti and a wandering knight who had lost his mind. Over and over he asked me the same strange question, "Do you like flowers?!" I tried to evade him but he would not stop pursuing me. Reaching the end of the desert, I managed to lose him by slamming a door in the knight's face. He paused for moment, bewildered, then went off after another unfortunate soul..

I concluded to search the sewers next. Inside the sewers among the rats and slime, I was mugged by a black bandit! (No, I am referring to his color not his color---you know what I mean!) At first I didn't take him seriously, seeing as how he was pointing a salamander into my face and wearing tightly-fitted black pants. Then he pointed the lizard at a wall and squeezed its body unmercifully. From the salamander's belly came a rumbling and suddenly, out burst flame! I anxiously gave him all my gold (he was not a fish thief like the she-pirate) and ran for my life.
I continued on deeper, and deeper, and deeper into the sewers. On wall I noticed a poorly painted yellow bucket! I had found it. I ran forward around a bend and there, before my mortal eyes, I saw him; The Bukit King! I stood, mouth agape, awed by this awesome
figure of myth and legend. He spoke but his words were in a tongue foreign to me. Then he handed me a shining bucket--the Golden Bucket! I tried to thank him but he vanished into thin air. And so ends my first epic tale. The moral of my story is, should you ever find yourself on a quest to locate a golden item used to carry liquids, beware the wandering knight in the desert... He's really scary.
~!~Look below for Behind teh Scenes~!~

Behind teh Scenes - EA I: The Quest for the Golden Bucket

I'm starting a series of posts called the Epic Adventures. The Quest for the Golden Bucket is an example of what they're going to be like pretty much; take some screenies with friends, edit them with Will's help (ty!), write a story. Yeah yeah it's a cheezy idea but I'm having fun. B)

Over I don't know...a month's time (?) I got a couple friends to take strange screenshots with me. They had no idea what I was going to use teh screenies for but being the good friends they are, they helped meh anyway. I'd like to thank those friends very much for putting up with my mad schemes. Here's teh cast:

The Man Called Steve = Deykalmestev
She-Pirate = Queentrogdor
Mad Yodeler = Thehobomage1
Accursed Knight = Ghosty674
The Black Bandit = Bandit0610
Teh Bukit King = Justjammin
Golden Bucket1 = Wiki Bucket Edited
Golden Bucket2 = A Bucket

When you read it, click ALL the hyperlinks or else you might miss some awesome screenies. Also, if any of the images show up a little strangely, click them and they'll open in a new window. I'll be making more of these so if anyone is interested, lemme know via my YouTube channel, zee forum, email (, or on RS. :D

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Legacy of Seergaze - Complete

Completed the Legacy of Seergaze quest. Yay for me. It was alright. Pretty easy and the reward exp was okay. The really exciting part though is access to blood crafting! :D

Alas, I'm 7 levels short of crafting bloods (meh). I did go check out teh alter though. It's pretty epic. I also got this kinda strange-looking flail (that's a fun word!) that makes me look very odd when I run and walk... Anyhow, yeah. Glad to have Capey back again. :-)
There's like all this blood around it...Kinda creepy. *shivers*

Friday, April 25, 2008

Void Knight Robes

Took a break from rcing for a couple days. Finally got the last piece for my void knight robe set today. :) I've been wanting 'em for a while but never got around to getting 'em until now. Nice to finally have some cooler darker-looking robes now. I think the navy blues gloves are awesome. Trying to figure out some kind of an outfit to go with 'em. Hmm. Playing hide 'n' seek at the moment so I better finish this up. ;) Back to rcing soon. :D

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Runescape Gathering '08 (Very belated)

I meant to get to this blog earlier but I just wasn't in the mood the last couple days. I'm sorry, I have other things to do besides blogging all day (things like playing Cod4). Anyhow, for those of you who don't know what this is about, this "gathering" was set up by several people through YouTube I believe. Basically, it was just a massive event that took place in two worlds with lots of players hanging out at Ice Mountain. Happened last Saturday. I stayed in world 125 (the other world was 124). Moving on.

I got there about two hours before the event and already the place was packed. Tbh, I'm not sure how I even got in. 0O On top of the mountain, and around the base near the Monastery, people were everywhere. They went around in groups following various, famous players thoroughly spamming up the chat with messages like "Defil3d ftw!!!!" I saw a handful of players I'd heard of but a bunch of them I hadn't. Among teh most epic I saw were....


The Box Noob

Dark Arm3



Epic much? :-) We pretty much just hanged out on the mountain, except for a random run around teh world. That was insanely fun. XD I have some other pics that I'll include in hyperlinks below. I'm looking forward to next year's gathering (if there will be one). Hope to see ya there. B)

Random pics: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

94 Mage Pwns u

Today I got a level I've been wanting for ages... Level 94 magic! :D I didn't get a very incredibly epic screenie of the event but here's one. It wasn't an amazing turn out but I did have a few good friends of mine there. (Which, btw thanks again for coming doods.)

It's nice to FINALLY get a level that's worth respect. I mean, sure it was nice when I unlocked Fire Strike at level 13 and later when I unlocked Teleother to Camelot at level 90 but this is just so much more...powerful. I can now look at my mage level and say, "I have a level that means something! Hail to the king, baby!!1232312!@#!@@!@!"

I was very excited right before it happened but strangely, I wasn't quite as thrilled as I thought I would be when I got it. :P I guess it's sorta like a Tip.It Times from a while back when the Editor talked about a nice level he had recently achieved. I can't remember exactly how he put it but something to the extent that the work involved before you gain the level actually means more than when you have it. I'd look up which one it's from but I'm just too lazy. XD

One thing fun that happened though was my first Ice Barrage. Guess what it was on? A guard? Nope. A group of players? No... The KBD? Heck no! It was on a duck at Lumbridge! For months I've had the dream of casting my first Ice Barrage on a duck. Would some players view this as nooby or lame? Probably but do I care? Not on your life. It was epic. :)

Wish I could have gotten a screenie of teh duck-pwning but I did make a little video. I'm gonna embed it below so check it out if you want. Did manage to hit one 30 (woot) today. No, not on a newb. I messed around with me friends at teh Duel Arena. :P

After today, I am starting to get thirsty for that beautiful, luscious, delightful 99 though. Hopefully, within a couple months, I'll be writing a blog about that too. ;)

And my journey to level 99 magic continues...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mith Drag + 99 Thieving

I've been trying to work on alching but it's going slow this batch. I had around 8k alchs + bows left when I started, and I've just finished about 200. Don't know what's up with my lack of enthusiasm. I went with my friend Bandit0610 to watch him pwn a mith drag. Saw him hit a 50 but I only managed to get a screenshot of him hitting a 32. He leveled to 76 ranged ranged when I was with him. Congratz 2u Bandit again. Good luck on getting a d full helm.

Oh, a friend of mine, Hal0havic, got 99 theiving today. :D Unfortunately, I wasn't on when he actually got the level but I'd like to offer a big congratz to him. He's been working on this for quite a while, so I must admit that I admire his ability to stick with it. Here's a rather bad screenie I took:

A noob was standing in front of me when I got teh screenie (meh). So I removed me. I also took the pic at a weird time. It kinda looks like a hot girl has got his attention, causing him to trip over a stone. The real emote is much more awesome. Anyhow, gratz again 2u. That's about it for today.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Daydream - RS style

I finally got the image to work right on my vid so here it is. It's not very good (as it says in the description) but we enjoyed making it. :D

(Scroll down for the imbeded veed.)

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hello whoever might be reading this. I decided to start an epic Fennish blog! :D

I doubt many people will read this but what the heck, I'm having fun. Basically, I plan to write blogs about
Runescape. Some of these blogs will be about what goals I'm working towards while others will be about imaginary adventures and crud like that. I haven't gotten very far along on editing my layout on here so forgive the lameness, I'll try to fix it soon.

I don't have very gewd skillz. I'm not writing this with an attitude of "look at my epicness!" I'm just having fun. If you don't know me, my Runescape name is
Fenworth0. If you're reading this, you probably know me but if you don't, you can add me. Don't know if I'll be able to return the favor but we'll see...

I have a
forum that I'm on often also. I'm working on getting a lame vid I made on YouTube so I'll try to post about that tomorrow. Anyhow, enjoy.